Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Table Talk Series: Honor Thy Mother

Honoring Thy Mother is Always GLAMOROUS 

Now I know you may be asking what is, "The Table Talk Series"? The Table Talk Series is held monthly either during a lunch or dinner series at a different restaurant around the Atlanta, GA area. During the Table Talk round-up current topics, issues, or situations are discussed among the guests with hopes of coming up with a conclusion or solution. Think therapy for the soul, but in an open environment with relatable individuals. This months discussion was a little different as it was in Honor of saluting our mothers for all their hard work and appreciating them for Mother's Day. The event was held at Baronda's Italian Ristarante & Bar, 710 Peachtree Street, Atlanta, GA 30308.  Might I add was a very nice restaurant and delicious food. Okay back to subject  at hand. (Laughs).
The Lovely Table that was set for the Lovely Mothers.

Every year we take the time out to extend our love to our mothers on that special day, "Mothers Day". In reality we should support our mothers and show them our appreciation towards them everyday. Do something different to really show them that all their hard work paid off. On Sunday I had the opportunity to sit in a room full of deserving women and daughters that wanted to exude how much their mothers participation in their lives instilled great qualities for their success in their adulthood. The sole purpose of this month's table talk was to honor thy mother. 

Game of "Me Too"
The day started off with everyone gathering around the table with introductions; then we played a Ice Breaker game called "Me Too". The game is played by having a large string and the first person begins to describe themselves and if someone in the circle has something in common with them; they say Me Too; and then it continues until the end of string. At the end of the string you will see a web that shows how everyone is connected to one another and how we are much a like. I loved the game and it was very interesting. After the icebreaker game Charessa and her team began honoring the mothers with a plaque, roses, gifts, and pictures. 

The stories that some of the ladies shared was very heartwarming and touching. Many people think that honoring or paying respect to your mother means that you had a great life or relationship with your mother. This is just not reality. There's all types of relationships that we all hold with our mothers. There's the rocky relationship. The distant relationship. There's even the absent mother relationship, but they all play a role; a major part in our lives and how our future is shaped. The human mind basis our reactions on things or situations that have happened to us in the past and shapes them based on what we would like to have happen in the future. Hearing all of the daughters salute their mother and give reasons why they appreciate their mothers really shed some light on my thoughts and I am quite sure it open the eyes of others who were sitting at the table as well. 

One of the honorees Ellen Rice, her story touched me because she's deaf.
Never once did Ellen allow her
Ellen Rice (Pictured Aboved)
disability effect her way of living and her parents always made sure she didn't feel different like an outsider. They kept her going and taught her not to short cut herself. It's amazing if you were able to speak with Ellen you would never guess she was reading your lips. Ellen has a great heart even before this event I met Ellen and she was so warmhearted that we clicked instantly and she's been nothing but such a great help every since. Ellen will definitely not let you forget that at events there's needs to be an interpreter to help the deaf individuals who may not be able to read lips as efficiently as she does. (Laughs). But I too salute Ellen as a great mother and her parents for raising such a great person. 

Kimberly Satterwhite
(Pictured Aboved)
Kimberly Satterwhite - If she's not a true definition of a mother than I don't know who is! From the time Kimberly and her daughter stepped into the restaurant there was this undeniable bond that the two held. The type of bond between a mother that many people yearn to have. You know they tell you can tell a parents relationship with their child by the expression on the face of the child. Kimberly's daughter Zharia was all smiles and if you browsed Kimberly's Facebook page all you will see are photos of this amazing little girl. Zharia is well spoken and very polite; you can indeed tell that she spends much time with this little girl and you can't deny their love for one another. 

Kimberly and Zharia's relationship reminds me so much of my own with my son Adrien and that's why it was so easy for me to tell the bond between the two. 
Lynnell Fenner-Brice and her daughter.
(Pictured Above)

Our next honoree Lynnell Fenner-Brice, OMG! There's no words that can exude the confidence that Lynnell instills and how she sacrificed so much for her eight kids. Ms. Brice has suffered a lot  from winning the title of Miss New York to losing her title from abuse to a whole slew of other situations, but none of which deter her from being a great mother. In actuality this helped her to become a better mother. Her daughter saluted her by honoring her this night at the event. From the sounds of Ms. Brice didn't do too bad as at least two of her kids own their own businesses and they're all successful. Exemplary mothering skills. 

Maya Wyms (Not Pictured) - Stated her determination came from not her biological mother, but her Step Mother/God Mother as they were the two women who played major roles in her life. Another exemplary that even if it's not your biological mother it doesn't mean that you can't grow from the relationship that the two of you have and that you can move past the hurt and become the parent that your parents either were or were not. Not to mention that Maya Wyms is now a successful hair stylists in the Atlanta, GA area. 
Guest Speaker Felicia Phillips
 (Pictured Above)

There is one person that I saved for last because her story is very encouraging and really entails how a mothers determination will and can play a major part in your child's future.  Felicia Phillips, meeting her was very influential. I know oh too well about the horrors of having a child that is disabled and how the school system works against them and society. I have a sister with similar cases of Ms. Phillips son's condition. One thing I can advise against is hold off on medication as long as you can because it will ultimately destroy the individual in the long run. Anyways I love Ms. Phillips story because rather than feeling sorry for her son she set out to make a difference in his life and the quality of his life. When Ms. Phillips found out that her son was Artistic (Autism); Asperger Sydrome to be exact . She didn't become the weeping mother instead she consulted her mother who was an Elementary teacher and they came up with a curriculum for her son. Ms. Phillips not wanting to hinder her son she never told him that he had Autism. Later on her determination and mothering would soon show to have paid off her son has now been inducted into the Honor's Society; if this doesn't show you how much a mothers will to not shelter their child pays off then I must be missing something. I truly commend her and she definitely has my vote as MOTHER of all times. 

How has attending this event helped me ? I am sure it will impact you as well!

During my time at the event I was asked to share, but at the time I just didn't know what to say after hearing some of the amazing women who spoke on their relationships with their mothers. After all is said I want to say that my mother was more of a friend to me than a mother so my relationship with her was quite different. My mother never judged me and she allowed me to learn from my own mistakes rather than always telling me what she felt was best. For a while my mother and I had a solid relationship we still do, but I do understand now that I do have some envy toward her for not allowing me to have a real childhood. I took of my sister from the time I was five years old. I cooked and cleaned while my mother was working. My mother always kept two or three jobs and I always commended her for that! At the same time I felt that it wasn't fair to me to have to take care of a tiny baby when I was just a baby myself. I'll say that growing up early did allow me to always have an edge over ladies my age. I already knew how to cook and take care of a child; after all I've been doing almost all my life. It taught me responsibility at an early age. So then I think maybe it wasn't so bad, but I would never expect that from my children. I want them to grow up with childhood memories. The next regrettable thing is you know how we call it the Color Mother Sydrome (Laughs) you know where you grow up and you have bad credit already. Yes, I turned 18-years old and already had bad credit that I had to pay for throughout my year and clear up. So while I commend my mother for strength and knowing how to provide or put her children first which was instilled into me, but I also learned what not to do to my child. The many mistakes that my mother made. I've been in and out of the group homes from her being incarcerated and I've been raped and molested by bad choices upon my mother, but even through it all I would never trade my mother. She taught me how to survive and strive for the best. She's still my biggest supporter today along with my children. 

In conclusion, events such as Table Talk is a much needed resource to many because it helps you to air out your dirty laundry, skeletons, and all the hurt that you may have clenched inside. It's talking without feeling pressured by doctors to share what you are not ready to share. The setting alone makes it more comfortable with ease of discussing the hurt within your sole. I am delighted to have had the opportunity to attend an event by Charessa Sawyer and I recommend Table Talk Series to anyone. Currently the Series is in the Greater Atlanta area and you can stay updated with the organization by liking their Table Talk Series FB page.  

Next Month's series will pay homage to honoring the Fathers. If you've had a father figure in your life that was extraordinary and their impact has helped with your success then nominate him by clicking on the link Table Talk Series FB .

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Devastation in Oklahoma

Photo Courtesy of CNN.com
By now you have heard about the disaster in a small town called, "Moore, Oklahoma". A city with about 56,000 residents has been declared a disaster zone. Media has stated that without the technology that we have today there may have been more deaths. As of right now it has been confirmed that there has been 271 injuries, 24 deaths, with 9 of the deaths being children. This is the time that we need to come together and help one another. If you would like to help out the victims in Oklahoma then please follow the links below. I have taken the time out to find some of the agencies that are accepting donations and/or need volunteers.

Donation Agencies 

Text the Disaster Relief Fund by texting the word REDCROSS to 90999 to donate $10. or call 1-800-Red-Cross (733-2767).

Oklahoma Baptist Disaster Relief
Oklahoma Baptist Disaster Relief
Mail Checks to: 
BGCO, Attn: Disaster Relief, 3800 N. May Ave., Oklahoma City, OK., 73112

Salvation Army 
Accepts donation online at Salvation Army Donation Page or by texting the word STORM to 80888 this will allow you to donate $10. 
Checks may be sent to:
The Salvation Army, P.O. Box 12600, Oklahoma City, OK., 73157

United Way of Oklahoma
United Way Donation Page or by sending a check to 
United Way of Central Oklahoma, P.O. Box 837, Oklahoma City, OK , 73101.

Feeding America
Feed America Donation Page

Operation America
Organization that helps aid disaster victims with health essentials and disaster kits to the victims of disaster areas Operation America Donation Page.

This organization is a disaster relief emergency response team that helps delegate victims to emergency areas who need medical attention and/or other needs. You may donate to them by going to AmeriCares Donation PageYou can also give a $10 donation by texting the word LIVE to 25383. Checks or money orders can be mailed to: AmeriCares, 88 Hamilton Ave., Stamford, CT 06902.

Jewish Federations of North America
You may donate by going to their donation page at Donation Page and/or by sending Checks  to the JFNA national mailbox at: The Jewish Federations of North America, Wall Street Station, P.O. Box 148, New York, NY, 10268. Please indicate "JFNA Oklahoma City Tornado Relief Fund" on all checks or in the designation box online.


REDCROSS  (Contact your local office if outside of Oklahoma)

There are plenty of other organizations that you may donate to as well. Make sure you check with your local news or radio stations for updates and/or other donation and volunteer opportunities.